Moving On


On Sunday morning Lindsay Fowkes, mum’s carer, failed to rouse her and came to tell me ‘I think she’s gone’. I went to see her myself. She was lying, as always, on her side. She had passed in her sleep, peacefully, as she would have wanted. Mum sleeping still 05/01/2025 Then followed a crazy morning ….  Read More

A New Direction?


I had a lovely meeting with Bernadette and Christoph before I left for Wales. Christoph told me that one of the therapies that they taught him to combat Parkinson’s was to use music in his walking. He suggested I might try to find the local Altzheimer’s group and offer some simple dances there. Who knows? ….  Read More

Coming soon


Dancing with Experience Week at Findhorn is such a boost. Seeing the magic of the dance working on people, bringing them together, helping them forget themselves, watching understanding awaken in their eyes as they recognise meaning in the dances we are doing. Dancing next on 14th September. I would say come and join, but you ….  Read More