The name grapevine is taken from Israeli dancing. The grapevine step is typically in 4/4. It is a sideways movement, which means the chest is facing forwards – in a line – or to the centre in a circle. It is a very common step particularly in Eastern and Southern Europe, from where it was collected by dancers in Jewish communities and so entered the Israeli stream.
It is comprised of 4 steps.
There are 8 variations to the step depending where the movement begins in the cycle and in which direction it goes, clockwise, in the daily rhythm, or anti-clockwise, in the monthly and annual rhythm. These two directions are the Same and the Different mentioned by Plato.
The step can start to the right or the left with a side step followed by a cross in front or behind with the other foot, side again and cross in the other direction with the trailing foot.

Both cross in front
This delivers 4 options for the step. Two left and two right.
The other four variations comprise those which start with a crossing step to the front or back with the right or left foot.

Both start crossing to the front.
It is often done fast and when performed at speed opens and closes the root chakra stimulating a rise in the kundalini. Performed slowly the effect is lessened and capable of great dignity, as is found in some Rumanian dances, for example.